Oflameron Research Group Report Topic: "Ways of virtualization of consciousness" Concise machine translation. Deciphering the human genome made it possible to begin a machine (computer) analysis of the structure, connections and interactions of its elements. The expansion of available computing resources has made it possible to analyze the properties of various spatial structures using neural networks. The achieved level of research does not allow now to carry out a complete simulation of the work of proteins in one cell. However, now it is already possible to start developing algorithms and software (software) for modeling and neural networks for assessing the quality of modeling (by coincidence with the functioning of a real cell) - stage 1. As the available computing power grows, it will be possible to start modeling the activity of one living cell with training neural network (s). This will be the FIRST stage of virtualization of a living unicellular organism. After achieving a high accuracy of coincidence between the virtual model and the real organism, you can proceed to the next stage. At the next stage (2), it is possible to simulate the "fertilization process" and cell division. Those. modeling will move to the level of a simple multicellular organism. At this stage, a high degree of coincidence with a real organism (embryo) should be achieved. The reactions to any influences and the sequence of the development process must match. This can be achieved if the monitoring neural networks are improved and trained accordingly. At the moment, there is not enough computing power for this, but such resources (estimated) should appear within 15-25 years. The next horizon is stage 3. At this stage, the transition will not only be made to a multicellular virtual organism, but also a virtual nervous system with a high degree of coincidence with the real model (living organism) should be "formed". This is the most important qualitative transition, from which the period of virtualization of consciousness begins in principle. At stage 4, it is necessary to achieve modeling of the thinking process. This will be the first stage of virtual consciousness modeling. The corresponding controlling neural networks at this stage will be very different from the original networks of stages 1-2. And they will have parameters and accumulated coefficients that can only be interpreted by special programs (special neural networks). A very rough estimate of the time period - 50-70 years from the beginning of work. Stage 5 will be associated with the independent development of a virtual organism and neural networks (to assess the accuracy of modeling and interpret the results). Interpretation of the results is needed to achieve the set goals: - achieving full coincidence of the virtual model with a real organism - determination of the mechanism of personality identification (consciousness) - development of a personality translation mechanism - prevention of situations of "uncontrolled independence" ... This report is the first document that outlined the main stages of work in the process of virtualization of human consciousness. This approach of accurate virtual modeling (virtual development, virtual life) is fundamentally different from the ongoing work on Artificial Intelligence (approach "from above", without understanding the internal mechanism of the work of consciousness). It will give the maximum achievable result. This document makes it possible to use real data as input data - graphs and forecasts of growth in the performance of computing systems and thereby more and more accurately predict the times of passage of the corresponding stages. © by Oflameron Group